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What is the sentiment analysis score?
What is the sentiment analysis score?

Understand what sentiment analysis is and what it means

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over a week ago

What is Sentiment analysis?

Sentiment analysis uses IBM Watson® Natural Language Understanding tools to extract meaning from open-text responses to determine whether the data is positive, neutral or negative. It can help you understand how people feel about your brand and their opinions on your content. Most importantly, it can allow you to compare how different parts of your content appeal to people.

Where do I find the sentiment analysis score in Loops?

If you have used open and/or closed questions in your test, you are likely to have comments on your content. Each comment is analysed and given a score between -1 (completely negative) to 1 (completely positive) with 0 being neutral.

The sentiment score will appear at the bottom of each question's results table. The score shown is the mean value of all of the comments for this question.

In the example below, a sentiment score of 0.58 tells us that the majority of people's comments are positive.

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